Installing Hugo on Ubuntu

welcome to the best static site generator in the world

I used to love Google services and their policy of ‘don’t be evil.’ The anagram solver tells me that the phrase turns into the word ‘violented.’ Well I definitely feel whatever that means.

I was a huge fan of Google Reader and Google Analytics. I even setup and managed google analytic accounts for websites that I created for clients. Not today.

I do understand it is probably cliche in the ever-growing hipster-tech community to be anti-google but I really don’t want to have my digital life attached to a single service where I am the product, which is also the reason I have a largely vacant Facebook account.

Here is what I have found out there to replace google (I am not getting paid to endorse any of these services, I just love them because they work the same or better than Google’s version):

  1. Google Reader Fever
  2. Google Feedburner FeedPress (formerly URI.LV)
  3. Google Gmail Fastmail
  4. Google Drive OwnCloud
  5. Google Docs FengOffice
  6. Google Analytics Mint

You run Fever, OwnCloud, and FengOffice on your own server with your own domain. For instance, I have my fever installation at If you need help setting this up, send me a message via one of my contact methods below.

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